Other Interesting Sites...

Hammerwood Park's Tourism Page

CURT DAS BIER! A fine new German beer.

A Guide to Cyberspace

The Virtual Shop Company

The Virtual Shop Company offers FREE pointers to many other places to shop. They gave the London Mall a 5-Star review!

The Daily Telegraph

The Guardian

Australia's Telerobot

Local Footy:
Arsenal, Luton, Millwall, QPR, Spurs...

If you're willing to admit being a Wimbledon fan, or some such (maybe a team outside London) then don't hesitate to send in a relevant URL. This is the page for our users, and the only reason Arsenal got mentioned first, or we only put 5 teams up is that those are the only ones sent in so far, and I like things alphabetical. S'up to you...

So this is still a developing page.

If you have any suggestions for other links (and yes, we are aware that Yahoo and HotWired exist) then please feel free to submit them to andres@londonmall.co.uk.

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